Give Yourself a Green Tea Facial {Natural Beauty Recipe} (2024)

Ive been looking into the benefits of green tea lately, and Im loving my findings! Green tea is not only a very healthy beverage, it is good for your skin, too!

In my online research, Ive found that green tea:

  • Protects your skin from sun damage (not by blocking UV rays but by reducing inflammation)
  • Has natural anti-bacterial properties
  • Contains powerful antioxidants
  • Rejuvenates skin cells
  • Fights inflammation and reduces redness
Heres Where I Talk About My Drab Complexion

My skin has not been looking good lately, mainly due to the fact that Ive been stressed, not sleeping well, and I havent really been eating right. All of this is mostly due to the move, a work schedule that has been more intense, and a toddler that doesnt seem to know the meaning of tired.

The past few weeks Ive really hated what I was seeing in the mirror. I even tried to blame it on the mirror in our new house and I still maintain that the lighting is so horrible in there I look like a zombie. *huff*

The Experiment

So I started thinking about what I could use that was natural and wouldnt cost me an arm and a leg (I cant spare those, sorry) that might improve the way my skin looked. I wanted a healthy glow! Is that too much to ask?

I came across an article on green tea in my online travels in which they recommend using green tea as a toner for your skin by brewing it yourself and then freezing some of it in an ice cube tray. Then, every morning you run the ice cube (after giving it a minute to start melting) across your face. You dont wash it off, you just leave it on for the day under your makeup.

I tried this myself and was so pleased with the results! I grab one of the green tea ice cubes from the freezer every morning after my shower, apply it all over my face, then leave the rest of the frozen cube in the sink. I spread the green tea around with my fingers, then rinse my hands and pat any excess dry with a towel. It dries fast and is not sticky at all!

It really has improved my complexion, even in the three days Ive used it. I love it! My skin has a nice glow and I even think it tightens my pores and makes my skin less red. It just gives me an all-over better complexion. I also read somewhere that it lightens your skin a bit I think because its not red anymore and I noticed that myself before even reading it. I thought it was my imagination before Im glad its not!

I also have been drinking green tea every day since I started doing this, so I dont know if that has been a factor in all of this. Its definitely possible! You might want to try drinking and applying it as I did.

A Green Tea Sugar Scrub Recipe Just For You!

After having so much success using green tea as a toner, I started looking around online for other similar recipes and discovered that you can mix sugar and green tea together to make a sugar scrub cleanser! Sugar is terrific for exfoliation (removing excess oil and dead skin cells) and smoothing the skin without side effects, so Im really excited about this combination.

Green Tea Sugar Scrub

(This sugar scrub can be used on the face and the body.)

Youll need:

Granulated Sugar
Green Tea (tea bags or loose tea)
Hot Water
A container with a lid that can be refrigerated, preferably glass

Heres what to do:

Step 1: Brew green tea in 1/4 1/3 of a cup in boiling water. Let cool.
(It can still be lukewarm when you use it, it doesnt need to be cold.)

Step 2: Smoosh the tea bag around with your spoon to get the most out of it you can, then remove tea bag.

Step 3: Add three tablespoons of sugar to your container.

Step 4: Add one tablespoon of green tea to your sugar and stir.

Step 5: Optional Add-ins.

You can add any of the following to your green tea/sugar mixture theyre good for your skin, too!

  • Fresh lemon juice (fades scars, lightens, exfoliates)
  • Mashed ripe banana (moisturizes)
  • Honey (heals, cleanses, and moisturizes)
  • Olive oil (moisturizes without clogging pores)

I chose olive oil because I love the way it moisturizes and my skin has been dry lately.

I added one teaspoon extra virgin organic olive oil:

Give Yourself a Green Tea Facial {Natural Beauty Recipe} (7)

Step 6: It might be a good idea to take the container into the shower with you for ease of use, though its certainly not necessary. Apply to face with your fingertips and gently scrub into your skin for one minute very gently, you dont have to use pressure at all.

Step 7: Rinse, pat dry, and enjoy your smooth skin! Refrigerate the leftover green tea sugar scrub (with a lid on it) and use it for up to a week.

What to do with the leftover green tea? Apply to your face as a toner (youll love it!), and pour the rest into an ice cube tray to use as a refreshing toner for the rest of the week! Or drink it, of course. 😉

Share Your Thoughts!

Do you use any natural recipes such as this one in your daily care? What are you favorite ingredients?
And I would love to know what your thoughts are if you try this scrub!

Category: Parenting

Give Yourself a Green Tea Facial {Natural Beauty Recipe} (2024)
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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

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Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.